Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Posting to stay calm

Sorry this is a bit later in the day than I'd usually post, but right after dinner we heard our dogs get into a little scuffle and then a yelp. Since they are about one year old I figured that one of them just pulled too hard on the other's ear. A few minutes later Lucca (the male) started barking just randomly at the house. I looked out the window and saw Indy (the girl) laying at the door and him just barking his head off so I just ignored it and went on.

***If you get queasy with blood and details skip down to the bottom where the yarn stuff is***

A few minutes after that my sister peered out the window and shouted to the rest of the house, "Mom, Indy's bleeding!" Something about how she said it just made me feel that this was not just a scrape that they usually get when they get very rowdy. Then I saw Indy, and the large area right where her right foreleg comes up to her torso was bloody. Immediately my sister and I get her to the garage to get a better look at her without her brother (who had not one drop of blood on him) getting in the way.
We thought maybe at the most we would have to do is bandage her up and keep her separate from her brother for a couple days. Well she had a 3 to 4 inch flap of skin hanging off of her, and thankfully there were no cut veins or arteries or she could have bled out. So off we whisk her to the Animal Emergency vet because she was so going to need stitches. So there we were for about an hour while they processed her and examined her in order to figure out what they were going to do. We left her there and she should be ready by around 11pm to bring home. So tonight she'll be in my room.

***It's all Knitting related from here on so you can look***

3.8oz Berrystain BFL
Okay so I made a slight purchase, but it wasn't for yarn! Any way it is BFL (because there is no way I can really spell that out correctly) in Berrystain from Pigeon Roof Studios and the color is gorgeous, there are 3.8 oz so I have enough for socks or even a shawl.
Elderberry Kiri
And in knitting progress, I've actually been somewhat monogamous (as in only one knit and one spinning project at a time) so this has been working up quickly. Now the question is whether or not I can get this knit by Thursday night so it can be blocked and ready for my friend's graduation party Friday night.
Rosebud singles
And the Rosehip has been spun and here were all 50g of it. I love spinning merino, it just always drafts beautifully for me and spins up very well.
Rosebud singles close-up
And for the close-up. I probably should have thrown a dime in there for scale but I forgot, so I'll do that when it's been plied.

Now I'll go knit some more on that shawl while I wait to get the okay to pick up Indy.

Update @ 11:47pm, we called and Indy was still under anesthesia, we are going to call again at 12:30 to see if she is ready then, if not we'll pick her up in the morning. So far it seems like she's doing well.
Also, since I didn't mention it earlier. The injury was not fight related, she seemed to have fallen on something sharp and the force of it caused the whole thing.


Unknown said...

Oh! I hope Indy is OK! That's so scary.

And your spinning is lovely.

Michelle said...

The roving looks terrific spun up! I'm so glad I sent it to you- you're doing a brilliant job.

Your poor dog! I hope she gets better soon.

Bullwinkle said...

Yikes! Sorry to read about Indy. (They are such troopers. By the time you read this, she won't let you think anything is wrong. Pamper her anyway.)

That spinning has great (happy) colors!