Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Okay so I joined another -along that I found through the Lime and Violet Message Board and the gist of it is that we hand spin our own laceweight yarn and knit a shawl from it. So I went digging in the fiber bin and came up with this:
my soon to be hand spun laceweight
It first appeared here from the wonderful Michelle and immediately when I saw it I wanted to make a shawl with it since there are 50g of merino and 25g of tussah silk and I think I can do it.
predrafted and ready
So here it is all predrafted and ready and what I've spun so far seems to be turning out well. My fear of it being a bit too orange when I predrafted it seems to blend in more once it spins up and should go away once I ply it up. (I'll show a picture of this later).
I tried some pastels for the first time in two years and I realized why I gave it up for knitting. Oh well, probably mostly since I'm so out of practice.
Grandmother gifts
Gifts from Mother's Day for my grandmothers which were great and quick in a pinch.
Stash enhancement
Then I got my order from Elann, Did you know that for every $500 dollars you spend they'll give you a $50 store credit? Well only $400+ for me left.
the current stash
And then after the yarn arrived I realized that my little stash wasn't quite as little as I remembered it so I put everything on my bed and reorganized it, plus I gave some acrylic away to my little sis who I just introduced to crochet and she seems to have gotten the obsessive bug. Well that's all for now I'll be back tomorrow with more conherent thoughts as I just took a test and turned in an 8 page paper this morning and my hand is beginning to tense up again from all of this typing.

1 comment:

Gloria Quincy said...

So are you done with your semester? I hope you have time to take a break!

And I love the colorway of the fiber you are spinning up.