It's true, I have now reached my 100th post. I am actually a bit surprised that I've even had that much to say in the first place as I am usually a very quiet and shy girl around other people.
Anyway, about that 100th post thing, I've decided to reward you. If you e-mail me by 11:59pm PST Saturday the 23rd. I will put your name into a hat and draw for a free set of custom made stitch markers or something from my Etsy shop (link in the sidebar). I'll contact you to tell you you've won on Sunday afternoon (again in PST). Everyone's eligible but please only send one e-mail to ladyneaknitsalot AT msn DOT com. And thanks for sticking around.
As for knitting content, I wish there were pics but I left the cord at home so they are stuck on my camera until I get home. I will say that I have gotten lots of sock knitting in around here (that is when I'm not driving because driving and knitting = not good).
We've been to yarn stores and we'll be visiting 3 more tomorrow so I'm excited. I'll have reviews when I get back but so far they have been really nice an great places.
So I'll see you all when I get back probably since I prefer to use pictures and I tend to ramble unconstructively without them.
Have a great week everyone!
Here's to 100 more!
Congrat's on making it to 100!
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