Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Someones's Turning 5!

My Baby's growing up! If she were human she would have started kindergarten this year. Anyway because I have never officially gushed about her this is where I will catch up so knitting will be in a post either tomorrow or later.
So this is Belle (I gave her an additional part for her name which is 'la Luna' which means the moon.) She was a rescue cat from the shelter, at wee old age of 6 weeks, she had been found abandoned somewhere and had a little limp when I first met her so that made me want her even more.
Last day as a 4 year old
She was clearly thrilled to be turning 5, but she has been given everything she wanted today; water from the sink, ice cubes so she can play hockey. But she has mostly just slept.
She's 5!
There was the strange occurance of when she woke up as I was going to take her picture again, I held her attention as much as I could but since I never let her have the camera she just settled down and slept.
Mommy you're weird
Anyway the you go, my cat Belle who is enjoying her day, and now I should go finish my German assignments.

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